Educational/Research Use License

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) 2002 Jorge J. Castro and Francis J. Doyle III
Version 1.0
University of Delaware
Newark, DE, 19711


These programs are not in the public domain. However they are made available free for educational/research/personal purposes. This offer does not extend to any application that is made FOR PROFIT. Users who have such applications in mind should contact the copyright holders.

The purpose of this license is to guarantee your rights to freely USE, COPY, MODIFY and DISTRIBUTE this software and to make sure that these rights are passed on to all users that receive the software. Therefore, some restrictions are necessary to guarantee these rights.

In summary you are free to USE, COPY, MODIFY and/or DISTRIBUTE the software under the terms of this license. If you DISTRIBUTE the software, this license and all copyright/disclaimer notices must be included with the software distribution. If you MODIFY any of the programs and/or make any DERIVATIVE WORK from the software, you must make such programs freely available under the terms of this license, including all the SOURCE CODE files (original and modified) and must include the copyright notices on all the modified programs as well. You are encouraged to notify the original copyright holders about your software modifications so that improvements to the software can be made available to the public by the original copyright holders.

Disclaimer of Guaranty

These programs are distributed free of charge in the hope that they will be useful, but without any guaranty; expressed or implied, without even the implied warranty merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. You assume full responsibility as to the performance and quality of the product. The copyright holders or any other party that may COPY, MODIFY, or DISTRIBUTE the software according to the terms of this license, are not responsible for any damages arising out of the use of these programs including: data loss or data corruption, failure of the program to operate, damages to computer hardware, loss of time invested to solve software/hardware issues, or any other problems resulting from use of the software.

Terms and Conditions for Copying, Distribution and Modification

  1. This License applies to any program or file (regardless of the storage media) which contains a notice saying that is is distributed under the terms of the Education/Research Use License. It also applies to any DERIVATIVE WORK from these programs.
  2. The restrictions imposed by this license, apply exclusively to people that COPY, MODIFY and/or DISTRIBUTE the programs. USE of the programs, (except FOR PROFIT) is not limited in any way. For purposes of this license, USE, means to execute the binary programs using the MATLAB/SIMULINK environment, the CVODE toolkit, or any method necessary for software execution. MATLAB and SIMULINK are the property of the Math Works, Inc. and the CVODE is a public-domain toolkit. These software packages have their own particular licenses. However, such licenses do not cover the SOURCE CODE of this software or the corresponding BINARY files. Such code is the property of their respective authors and is not subjected to those licenses. However, some restrictions do apply (see Section 5)

    FOR PROFIT means any use of the software for commercial purposes. It is specially forbidden to use the software to create a commercial pulp and paper simulator and sell it (unless authorized by the copyright holders). Users with any of such applications in mind should contact the copyright holders to obtain a special permission for such purposes.

  3. You have the right to COPY or DISTRIBUTE as many copies of the software as you wish as long as you include this license in all copies/distributions and include all the copyright notices and disclaimers of warranty. If you DISTRIBUTE the software, you must distribute all the C-files, M-files, MAT-files, as well as, any other files necessary to USE the software (except for commercial applications as noted above). Furthermore, if you choose to distribute the software, you must include all the SOURCE CODE as part of your distribution. You must also include the file “license.txt” as part of the distribution as well as all the copywrith notices included with the code.

    COPY, means making additional copies (for you personal use) of the software in any kind of media. DISTRIBUTE means to make the software available to any individuals other than yourself, regardless of the type of media used for distribution (including written paper media, the world wide web, FTP servers, or any type of information storage/transmission tool).

  4. You may MODIFY any of the programs or copies of the programs to create a DERIVATIVE WORK, and COPY or DISTRIBUTE it according to these terms, however, you must comply with the following conditions:
    • for all the files that you modify, a clearly visible notice must be included, indicating that the file was modified from its original version, the purpose of the modification, and the date of the modification.
    • release all the modified files under the terms of this license.
    • make all your modified software available for download under the terms of this license.

    These conditions only apply to modifications that are considered to be a DERIVATIVE WORK. A DERIVATIVE WORK is the software that is the result of changes to any of the C programs (files that end with the extension .c), the M-files (files with a .m extension), and the MDL-files (files with a .mdl extension) provided with this software.

    If you create an s-function program (m-file or c-file) that is an original independent work, you are not obligated to follow the conditions expressed by this license. For example, you may create a c-program to model a new unit operation not included in the model (for example an ozone bleaching tower). Such a program would not be subjected to the terms of this license. However, if you which to modify the mdl files to USE your new function as part of the millwide simulation, you must release the mdl file and the SOURCE CODE of the new c-program under the terms described in this license.

  5. SOURCE CODE refers to the format in which the files are written before they are interpreted or compiled to create binary (executable) files. Source code of a program is the preferable form in which the program can be modified. Source files should be readable by opening the files in a text editor and should not use any binary format. This software distribution includes three different types of source files: C-files, MDL-files, and M-files. C-files are programs written according to the C programming language. These are typically identified by the extension “c”. MDL-files are files written using SIMULINK commands to create a flowsheet that can be used to represent any kind of process. These are identified by the extension “mdl”. M-files files are written using MATLAB’s programming language. These are identified by the extension “m”. MATLAB provides the capabilities to parse M-files to create files with the extension “p”. For purposes of this license, such files are considered to be BINARY files because they are not readable in a normal text editor. Therefore, it is explicitly forbidden to substitute an M-file by its equivalent P-file. All the M-files MUST be provided for distribution. Another feature of MATLAB is that it can compile (through the SIMULINK ACCELERATOR) MDL-files to generate equivalent C-programs that can be compiled as well. It is also forbidden to substitute an MDL-file, by its equivalent C-program or by a binary file. All the original or modified MDL-files must be provided for distribution.
  6. BINARY CODE represents a translation of the code into a format that can be used by the computer for execution. Typically, BINARY CODE can’t be edited with a text editor.
  7. You are not required to accept this license. However, if you don’t accept this license, you will loose all the rights and privileges to COPY, MODIFY or DISTRIBUTE the software or DERIVATIVE WORK. Furthermore, to obtain the code through the official web-site requires accepting this license. If you COPY, MODIFY or DISTRIBUTE this software, you are accepting this license and its conditions.
  8. This license may be subject to modifications by the copyright holders without any notice to users. Every time the license is modified, a new version of the license will be released. If a program in the software distribution is released under license version x, this means that the users may COPY, MODIFY or DISTRIBUTE such software under the terms and conditions of any license with a version number equal to or greater than x.