November 14, 2013 Read More →

Gunjan Thakur

Post Doctoral Scholar, Harvard SEAS


I work in the area of Mathematical and systems biology. Modeling, analysis of self-assembly process. Nonlinear dynamics, Dynamical system and controls.


gthakur (at) g (dot) harvard (dot) edu

Selected Publications

My Google Scholar Profile

A multi-metric evaluation of stratifi ed random sampling for classification: a case study.
G.S. Thakur, B.J. Daigle Jr, M. Qian, K.R. Dean, Y. Zang, R. Yang, T.K. Kim, X. Wu, L.R. Petzold, F.J. Doyle III. IEEE Life Sciences Letters vol. 1, no 2. doi: 10.1109/LLS.2016.2615086,
Metric focused feature selection for customized biomarker identi cation in Breast Cancer.
In Proceedings of Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering (FOSBE), 2015.
Systems biology approach to understanding post-traumatic stress disorder
G.S. Thakur, B.J. Daigle Jr, K.R. Dean, Y. Zhang, M. Rodriguez-Fernandez, R. Hammamieh, R. Yang, M. Jett, J. Palma, L.R. Petzold, F.J. Doyle III, “Systems biology approach to understanding post-traumatic stress disorder,” Molecular bioSystems, Jan 2015. [DOI]
A Multivariate Ensemble Approach for Identification of Biomarkers: Application to Breast Cancer
GS Thakur, BJ Daigle, LR Petzold, FJ Doyle III. “A Multivariate Ensemble Approach for Identification of Biomarkers: Application to Breast Cancer.” IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 809-814.